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Preparing for the Reset

 We've all got them, areas or a whole house full of too. much. stuff.  

Do you get bogged down just thinking about it? I do a good job for awhile, ... then get busy and things multiply!! 
Five years ago, my friends Katy, Angie and Irene teamed up after graduating from Color of Woman, and began a group they call Resetting Your Space as A Living Altar. They realized that February, the beginning of spring in many cultures, is a good time for this reset. 
We posit, 'Think of this, what if your whole home was sacred space?' 

Katy asked me to help tend the virtual group the last two years, and soon we'll begin this year's challenge - are you ready to join in?

Clutter accumulates when energy stagnates, and likewise, energy stagnates when clutter accumulates. 
It can be a vicious cycle, clutter is both a symptom and cause of heavy or stagnant chi, of struck life force. And fortunately, movement of either prompts flow in both!
Take a moment, and let that resonate. 

When we clear physical, emotional and mental clutter and stagnant energy in our environment, we free and release the stuck energy that has held us in a holding pattern of exhaustion, overwhelm, and/ or procrastination. 
Clearing clutter can also enhance sleep, clarity of thought, and vitality. It can spark joy, enhance prosperity and healthy productivity. As an added bonus, clearer spaces require less time spent on cleaning, and are easier to keep tidy! 
Take a moment, and think how you feel in your messiest space. Notice your posture, and sensations in your body. Take a breath and shake that out!
Now, picture walking into a beautiful, serene space, perhaps in a spa or retreat center. Notice how your body reacts, is your breath fuller? Do you feel like you can take up more space? Stand taller? 

When you're ready to dig in, here are some tips from my inspirational friend Gwynne Warner, Feng Shui consultant, and several others, on clearing clutter, and setting a more harmonious environment.  

 Basic guidelines:
  • It's good to begin on a day when the wind is not to strong, nor eerily still. When the wind is strong, wealth can't accumulate - this can be a good time to get rid of dated documents, files, or office paper!
  • Choose a time you feel the most energized, daylight and morning are usually good. 
  • Wear bright colors, orange, yellow, red are yang and give energy. (Blue, grey and pastels are more yin, and better for relaxing) 
  • Take breaks for crying, dancing, breathing, drinking water, eating a good snack. After 25 minutes, feel free to stop for the day, or take a 10 minute break, and do a bit more! 
Before you begin:
  • Make notes on what you'd like to accomplish. You might want to use a journal for plans and insights. 
  • Keep a clipboard handy for jotting down items which need repair and action steps. 
  • Bring sticky notes, to 'tag' areas you plan to address. 
  • Fill a Water bottle or big glass of water with a sprig of mint, lemon and cucumber, and remember to drink some periodically.
Make the process more fun by Crafting (or printing) a Bingo Boogie card!
Katy's Declutter Bingo Card
You could make several of these Bingo cards, with different tasks and goals.  I sometimes make a splash calendar page in my journal - with several tasks I'd like to accomplish that month. 
Balance pages and 'splash' calendar
I'll offer some tips for the dethugging process in the next post.

Are you ready for a reset?


  1. How many years have i been collecting stuff? 40, 50, 60? It might take me as long to get rid of it all. Good news, I have already started and am more than 15 years into it. One area seems to continue attracting stuff and require regular attention.
    The bingo card looks interesting, I will probably spend more time on designing them than I spend on the decluttering.
    For the rest of this month, I will just keep blogging on.

    1. Oh, Doug, me too, hee hee!
      I've also been collecting for decades ... and in process with paring down (and building up!) for quite awhile as well!
      And - I'm equally guilty of getting lost in designing a system - my daughter has told me 'you could write a book on that ....' (whatever my current passion is ...)
      Just keep blogging - and dethugging when the spirit calls!

  2. That Bingo Boogie card sure sounds like a fun and creative way to get into the spirit of clearing things up!!


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